Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Vocab 4

1. adept- [uh-dept; ad-ept, uh-dept]- adjective- very skilled; proficient; expert: an adept juggler- 1655–65; < Medieval Latin adeptus one who has attained (the secret of transmuting metals), noun use of L past participle of adipiscī to attain to ( ad- ad- + -ep-, combining form of ap- in aptus apt + -tus past participle suffix)- Birdlike Dinosaur Was an Adept Flyer
 This man is adept to working hard because he is skilled at many things.
2. encompass- [en-kuhm-puh s] - verb- to enclose; envelop- 1545–55; en-1 + compass- Encompass Fund Co-Manager Marshall Berol and Bill 'The Taxman' Carbonari on Money Matters Radio
 This dog crate encompasses the dog in one area when you are gone.


3. entrepreneur- [ahn-truh-pruh-nur, -noo r; French ahn-truh-pruh-nœr]- noun- a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk- 1875–80; < French: literally, one who undertakes (some task), equivalent to entrepren ( dre ) to undertake (< Latin inter- inter- + prendere to take, variant of prehendere ) + -eur -eur. See enterprise- Entrepreneurs Who Turned Hobbies into Million-Dollar Businesses
 Steve Jobs is an entrepreneur because he took risks to create the buisness Apple.


4. eradicate- [ih-rad-i-keyt]- verb- to remove or destroy utterly; extirpate- 1555–65; < Latin ērādīcātus rooted out (past participle of ērādīcāre ), equivalent to ē- e- + rādīc- (stem of rādīx ) root1 + -ātus -ate- Peru Takes First Steps Towards Eradicating Child Labor
 The United States is trying to eradicate poverty all around the world.


5. homogeneous- [hoh-muh-jee-nee-uh s]- adjective- composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind- 1635–45; < Medieval Latin homogeneus, equivalent to homogene- (stem of Greek homogenḗs of the same kind; see homo-, gene) + -us -ous- Streamlining Homogeneous Glycoprotein Production for Biophysical and Structural Applications by Targeted Cell Line Development
 This batter is a homogeneous mixture because you can't differ the ingredients.


6. presumptuous- [pri-zuhmp-choo-uh s]- adjective- full of, characterized by, or showing presumption or readiness to presume in conduct or thought- 1300–50; Middle English < Late Latin praesūmptuōsus, variant of Latin praesūmptiōsus. See presumption, -ous- Taylor Swift Calls John Mayer 'Presumptuous' Over Song Reaction

The king and queen were very presumptuous because they just assumed that the commoner was a bad influence without hearing a word she said.


7. sordid- [sawr-did]- adjective- morally ignoble or base; vile: sordid methods- 1590–1600; < Latin sordidus, equivalent to sord ( ēs ) dirt + -idus -id4 - France Revels in sordid tales of barely disguised Sarkozy Depicted in Bestseller
 People that have committed sordid crimes are declared guilty in the courtroom.


8. standardize- [stan-der-dahyz]- verb- to bring to or make of an established standard size, weight, quality, strength, or the like: to standardize manufactured parts- 1870–75; standard + -ize- Impact of International Standardization
In the United States the school system is to standardize the learning process.


9. stint- [stint]- noun- a period of time spent doing something- 1150–1200; (v.) Middle English stinten, Old English styntan to make blunt, dull; (noun) Middle English, derivative of the v.; cognate with Old Norse stytta to shorten; cf. stunt1- Taylor Hicks' Yearlong Stint at Bally's

Many high schoolers work at McDonalds as a stint to make some money.


10. stringent- [strin-juh nt]- adjective- rigorously binding or exacting; strict; severe: stringent laws- 1595–1605; < Latin stringent- (stem of stringēns ), present participle of stringere to draw tight; see -ent- More Stringent Driver Licensing Programs For Adolescents And Numbers Of Fatal Crashes - Mixed Results
Some schools are more stringent on their dress codes than other schools.


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